
This is the website of Veterinary Schools of Australia and New Zealand (VSANZ). VSANZ comprises the eight veterinary schools of Australia and New Zealand, who work together to advance veterinary education and research in the region.


Veterinary Schools of Australia and New Zealand

Veterinary Schools of Australia and New Zealand provides a forum for the eight veterinary schools of Australia and New Zealand to work together to advance veterinary education and research in the region.

Our Vision: Excellence in veterinary education and research.

Our Mission: To advocate and facilitate world-leading veterinary science in Australasia, through academic collaboration, for the benefit of animals, society and the environment.

Our Strategies:

  1.  ADVOCATE: for strong, valued veterinary professional and veterinary education sectors.
  2. INNOVATE: in veterinary education so graduates exceed societal demands for veterinary services
  3. COLLABORATE: to improve schools’ capacity to deliver excellence in veterinary education
  4. CHAMPION: veterinary research, to expand and maximise its impact
  5. ENABLE: by building a recognised and influential organisation